From the Get the Hell Out of Here Department: it was thirty years ago today that The Empire Strikes Back was released. I was ten years old at the time, and I remember being absolutely pissed beyond belief at the cliffhanger ending, and also trying to figure out at what point exactly I had stopped wanting to be Luke Skywalker and instead wanted to be Han Solo. I was pretty sure it wasn't when he was getting busy with Princess Leia, but instead when he was flying the Millennium Falcon through the asteroid field. Now that was some badass shit when you were a kid. Of course, I still wanted a lightsaber, but only if I could have Han's spaceship too.
And yeah, okay: he got to make out with the princess too. Sue me.
Bonus: I think it's sort of funny the Firefox's spell check recognizes "Leia" and "Darth Vader" but doesn't recognize "lightsaber" or "Chewbacca." What's this world coming to?
Edit: Today is also the thirtieth anniversary of Pac-Man. Ain't that a kick in the head?